Dr. O’Connor’s Works
Dr. O’Connor’s 50+ years of research and practical application is shared in many of his best-selling books, including ‘Managing by Values®,’ ‘People Smart®,’ “The Platinum Rule®’, ‘The Leader Within®,’ and ‘Conquering Unfavorable Leadership®,’ as well as numerous published articles and blogs on leadership, management, and high performing organizations.

Managing By Values®
Michael O’Connor and Ken Blanchard / 2003
Recognized Testimonials
Recognized Testimonials

People Smart®
Michael O’Connor and Tony Alessandra / 1995, 2003

The Platinum Rule®
Michael O’Connor and Tony Alessandra / 1996
Recognized Testimonials
Recognized Testimonials

The Leader Within®
Michael O’Connor and Drea Zigarmi / 2004

Conquering Unfavorable Leadership®
Michael O’Connor and David Spader / 2020
Recognized Testimonials

Dr. O’Connor’s Business Impact
What do Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, Tony Alessandra, Deepak Chopra, Denis Waitley, Jack Canfield and Drea Zigarmi all have in common? They all sought out Dr. O’Connor to co-author impactful books with them. Why? Because Dr. O’Connor’s renowned knowledge, experience, and expertise is highly sought after in the leadership performance and consultancy fields: not only by consultants eager to add to their toolkit, but by other thought-leaders themselves.

The Next Level: Potentia!
Over his career, while Dr. O’Connor has had the honor of helping improve companies around the globe – from Fortune 500 corporations to small businesses – he has always endeavored to achieve replication of his proven methods by others. Recently, Dr. O’Connor has teamed with Potentia LLC to capitalize on technology for applying his breakthrough methods in ways to effectively reach more people and companies than ever before.
Potentia’s easy-to-use and revolutionary technology platform is specifically constructed to manage the learning, certification, and practical application of Dr. O’Connor’s proven methods by others. This system enables business consultants to white label presentations, assessments, reports, and all other client-facing resources with the consultant’s own name and logo.
Learn more about how Potentia can help you to unleash the passion, potential and power of people and organizations you serve while growing your consulting business!